Book Review: Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

Title: Siege and Storm
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Published: 2013
Language: English
Pages: 432
Rating: 4/5

This is the second book in The Grisha trilogy. You can read my review of the first one, Shadow and Bone, here.

As this is the second book in a series, this review will contain spoilers.

Alina and Mal has escaped the Darkling and are running away across the True Sea, and they must try to make a new life for themselves.

Meanwhile, the Darkling has discovered a new and terrifying power...

This book was very exciting. It doesn't take long until the action starts, and I really liked that. However, there is a bit in the middle where things get a little slow, but then it ends with a quite explosive ending.

My favourite part about this book was the new characters introduced in this book. I thought they brought something really great to the story. I complained in my review of the previous book that I thought Alina needed more independence and growth, and I felt like she had more of that in this book.

I really liked how Alina has to figure out what to do with her ever-growing power, and what it might turn her into.

I'm getting really into this series, so I immediately started the third and final one, Ruin and Rising.

I would definitely recommend this if you like young adult fantasy.

You can get this book at The Book Depository*
You can read more about it on Goodreads

PS: These covers take the freaking cake, just saying.