Title: Rad Women Worldwide: Artists, Athletes, Pirates and Punks, and Other Revolutionaries Who Shaped History
Author: Kate Schatz, Miriam Klein Stahl (Illustrator)
Published: 2016
Language: English
Pages: 112
Rating: 4/5
In this beautifully illustrated book, we explore the stories of extraordinary women from around the world.
This was such an inspirational read.
I think this book has a great collection of women; both women I'd heard quite a lot about and women I'd never heard of before. It was thrilling to learn about these people and their stories, and you can't help but feel empowered by reading this.
I'm not sure everyone would enjoy the art in this, but I really like it, especially the use of color.
This is definitely worth the read and would be a great thing to give to young women to read, because it showcases a lot of what women have dome throughout history that is often forgotten.
You can get this book at The Book Depository
You can read more about it on Goodreads
Author: Kate Schatz, Miriam Klein Stahl (Illustrator)
Published: 2016
Language: English
Pages: 112
Rating: 4/5
In this beautifully illustrated book, we explore the stories of extraordinary women from around the world.
This was such an inspirational read.
I think this book has a great collection of women; both women I'd heard quite a lot about and women I'd never heard of before. It was thrilling to learn about these people and their stories, and you can't help but feel empowered by reading this.
I'm not sure everyone would enjoy the art in this, but I really like it, especially the use of color.
This is definitely worth the read and would be a great thing to give to young women to read, because it showcases a lot of what women have dome throughout history that is often forgotten.
You can get this book at The Book Depository
You can read more about it on Goodreads